Monday, November 26, 2007

More Pop

Popcorn pops because the shell is so hard, that it makes an explosive amount of pressure for moisture to be released. Other corn does not have hard enough outer shells on its kernels to explode. Thats pretty cool I guess... and you can pop certain types of rice- they become rice-crispyish more or less.

Popping rice does not sound exciting, but being more like an Aztec does. So I have decided to seek out the grain "Amaranth" which can be popped and is a miracle food. AKA PIGWEED!

Anyone I know have any idea where I could get this stuff? I don't think the pigweed that grows in our region (siberian east) can be popped.

It is the only other pop-able food worth-a-shit.


Anonymous said...

Cornucopia in Northampton carries Amaranth in their bulk section or they did a few months back.... Hmm, also there is a bean in the same family as black beans that pops..
Mmm. Also! If you are one who naively subjects oneself to the microwave, try this.. use any paper bag, popcorn kernels, no oil, put it in for 2.5 mins.. and you'll see what's so secret about popsecret....

Anonymous said...


Farm in a Cart said...

Oh man, I miss you!

purplehousenorthampton said...

the secret is in the blend of spices that makes it so delicious. obviously the popping is not a secret. but the taste is.