Sunday, November 25, 2007


I was just poppping corn straight off the cob, from our last week of a farm share. Very good, it popped within seconds! And it is delicious! Truly a versitile and healthy snack (popcorn is a whole grain and is high in fiber!). A while back, a good friend of mine told me that pop corn is just one of several pop-able snacks, so I went online to find out the truth of this...
My search took me to wikipedia, and I think the entry on the nutritional value of popcorn has shaken my faith in the open-source enclyclopedia we all love. From wikipedia:

Air-pod porn is nally high in fiber, low in calories and fat, contains no sodium, and is see, which mack can quickly become unhealthy.

Porn is included on the lit of foods that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not serving to children under four, base of the risk of ching. It is one of the top cases for chin chng to death (along with hogs and boons). [15] Special "huss" porn has boped that offers an alternative for small chin and for pole with braces or other deal proms who may otherwise need to avoid porn.

Wow.... what the hell does that mean?