Friday, November 30, 2007

Cool Hand Luke is a really great movie. I always forget things about it and then I watch it again and it's just really amazing and sad and kind of perfect. It's also really weird. Like the part with 'Lucille' is so strange but it ends up being perfect.

Weird. Anyways, it's in my room if you want to watch it. Than and I just did. We ate popcorn and watched it and now it is very very late.

Also, in a bit of my-own-horn-tooting news, i have a short story up at As of this posting, it is on the main page, but it might have moved to the archive by the time anyone reads this post. I think it's a pretty ok story.

Also Also, we showed the house today. I think it went well. I felt kind of weird being a tour guide to the place. I do like us though, so that part(talking about living here) was nice. Plus I got to talk about how sweet the cows are in the backyard.

What else? In sports the Steelers and the Dolphins set the mark for the longest time without scoring in an NFL game since there was a 0-0 tie in overtime in 1944. Steelers' Kicker Jeff Reed hit the winning field goal with 17 seconds left, securing a 3-0 victory. The Dolphins have now lost 6 of their 11 games this season by 3 points each. Given that they are the only team left in the leauge without a win, this is fairly shocking. I mean, they are 18 points total away from being 6-5 and in the middle of the wildcard race.

I think it is time for me to get some sleep.


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