Thursday, November 29, 2007

Supreme Court - Second Amendment Debate

From here

"The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it would decide whether the Constitution grants individuals the right to keep guns in their homes for private use, plunging the justices headlong into a divisive and long-running debate over how to interpret the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the 'right of the people to keep and bear arms.'"

Price and I were talking about this, and he stated his support for the Supreme Court deciding for tougher gun laws. I don't consider myself particularly educated on the topic, but I found myself defending gun rights from a sort of civil liberties standpoint. I agree with Price that the original intent of the law has little relevance to today, and that original intent factors into a court decision, but I believe that through a history of court decisions the second amendment has retained relevance and value. There is essentially no threat to us now that would require response from a state militia, but I don't know that this is criteria for the repeal of an amendment.

1 comment:

Price Armstrong said...

Jim's argument would be well-founded and compelling, if he didn't smell like poop.