Tuesday, November 6, 2007

wrote an email in German, Than was surprised to find out that I speak German

Then I brought home some food from work, and Kristin was surprised that I don't work in a legal office, which she thought for some reason that I did.

I was surprised to find out that Jesslyn has been in California for quite some time. the conspicuous lack of Bennie for some reason wasn't conspicuous enough, that being the usual evidence of Jesslyn's work-all-day presence in Northampton.

Shockingly, we seem to know so little about obvious things. we ought to do what they did on an episode of friends and design a trivia game about each other, i presume in the style of trivial pursuit.

Question one: what college did Jim attend before Hampshire?

if i could write the answer upside down at the bottom of this post, i would.