Thursday, November 15, 2007

Purple house loves eggs

it's almost 8:30 AM and i'm sitting in the quiet house like i do every morning, with one big difference. I just read that the democratic house passed a war funding bill with a timetable for a pullout, and substantially less funding than Bush had wanted. Maybe things are changing?

Hoping everyone's here for the meeting tonight, haven't seen the whole house together in such a long time. soup and whiskey for everyone involved, i say. it's a thursday night, but who keeps track? Thursday is the new Friday.

I think pornographic comic books are hidden in the walls. But that's just my guess. Completely unfounded in any sort of reality. I swear.

Amazingly, I bought 18 eggs on Monday and by Wednesday they were all gone. all. I would be frustrated, except I'm so astounded at the incredible rate that this house consumes eggs that I can't be. We should totally get a chicken. or four.


1 comment:

purplehousenorthampton said...

Price- The house passes bills like this all the time. Then it goes to the Senate where it magically needs 60 votes to pass. Why? Because it is either filibustered, or the democrats themselves set a 60 vote rule for passage for some insane reason.
Or it gets vetoed. Either way, the war continues unchanged, for ever.

Give up hope. Men worse than Delroy are in Charge.