Friday, December 14, 2007

An update on our friend, the mouse

I caught the mouse this morning at 6:45, pinning it between the Hungry Jack instant mashed potatoes and the box of Quinoa (whatever that is) on the top shelf in the pantry. He was very frightened, but I released him down the street back into the wild. Hopefully, he will burrow his way into happiness and out of our lives forever, though I don't know if he's going to try to return to any family he has still in the Purple House.

On another note, Tara and I have definitely found a place for next semester, so I suppose this will be one of my last blogs. It's been fun living in the Purple House, and I intend on visiting often, especially in light of the fact that I'm going to be living just up the street, near the Forbes Library.

Rockin' into the New Year on a Merry Christmas sleigh, have a Chappy Channukah (which, I suppose, is over now) and bountiful Kwanzaa and a repentful Ramadan.


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