Tuesday, December 4, 2007


last night we learned a few important lessons:
1) Trader Joes throws away a lot of perfectly good bananas and key limes, and orzo stuffed pepper is probably gross no matter when you eat it.
2) Dunkin Donuts switches out its batch of donuts in the afternoon. I think this is because only 1 person works in the store over the night shift, so if they tried to throw away the old donuts then, the store would be unmanned and very easy to rob.
3) We need a membership to pleasant street video or we need to start taking advantage of hampshire media services for rentals.

also, i am tired today for no reason i can quite understand. i am just a very tired person. weird.

yours etc,

ps: than, can you please lend me dubin's electric shaver? my chin has been too covered for too long.