Sunday, December 9, 2007

The house is so quiet

Jim and I have a "tie" system, where if there is a tie on the doorknob, then that means one of us is entertaining a lady guest. Last night, Than was returning Jim's tie and just left it on the doorknob, thus inadvertently sexiling Jim.

If the house had been like Arrested Development, then the narrator would have said something like this: "What Jim didn't know was that Tara and Price were awake and fully clothed, thinking themselves also sexiled." Cue theme music.

But alas the house is so quiet. Than and Ben are on vacation, Kristin has left for a month or two, and Jim is asleep and Jesslyn may or may not be here.

Dubin is hanging out, though, in his usual dude-like attitude.

I think Mike Huckabee is going to sweep the Republican primaries, securing for himself the nomination. The reason? Chuck Norris. He has managed to garner the votes of elderly, rednecks who love guns, single issue evangelicals, and most importantly, cynical gen-Xers. How? Chuck Norris. That's right.

Tara said it's simultaneously brilliant and horrifying. I agree.

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