Saturday, January 5, 2008

ice ice ice

The weather of late has been absolutely terrible. Really really cold. in fact -8. If you're wondering why the number of posts has been down of late, it's because we've all frozen stiff. Our fingers are little icicles and the heat of the computer might melt them and cause water-damage and short-circuiting.

instead of typing, we've been sealing off windows and random holes in the basement wall (seriously). Also huddling for warmth and closing all the doors in the middle of the house. my room is so cold you need 7 layers of blankets before it's comfortable in there. ask aliza, she knows. the sleeping arrangement is called the 7-layer burrito in honor of the taco bell meal.

Apparently the arctic got upset about global warming and decided to move to the purple house. thanks to the magic of jim's fancy insulation, things are improving a bit.

also, i want to pre-welcome peter to the family. it's good to have you. When you move in you will be ceremonially given the blog password.

for now,


Aliza Elkin said...

you can see your breath too

Price Armstrong said...

I want Peter to post! He has to fill my hole!

Bonos said...

I may be posting, but I'm not filling your hole. you're disgusting.