Tuesday, January 15, 2008

House News: Kristin is coming home very soon. Than hopefully also.

We have a show on the 24th.

Scrabble. I played the word purple in scrabble today.

And also, I would like to share that Sean Higgins has a new blog: www.luckycloud.wordpress.com -- I think it's neat.

From Wikipedia: Excerpted Facts about the Color Purple

The word purple comes from the Middle English word purple which originates from the Latin purpura. This in turn is derived from the Koine Greek πορφύρα (porphura), name of the dye manufactured in Classical antiquity from the mucus-secretion of the hypobranchial gland of a marine snail known as the Murex brandaris or the spiny dye-murex.
The first recorded use of the word purple in English was in the year AD 975.[4]
The color regarded as the standard for purple has changed over the years, from Tyrian Purple in ancient times to Electric Purple today.

-- As a result of its association with royalty and luxury, the term purple is often used to describe pretentious or overly embellished literature. For example, a paragraph containing an excessive number of long and unusual words is called a purple passage (see Purple prose).

--People with purple auras are said to have a love of ritual and ceremony

--In politics in the Netherlands, purple (Paars in Dutch) means a government coalition of right-liberals and socialists (symbolized by blue and red, respectively), as opposed to the more common coalitions of the Christian center-party with one of the other two. From 1994 to 2002 there have been two purple cabinets.
In United States politics, a purple state is a state equally balanced between Republicans (normally symbolized by red) and Democrats (normally symbolized as blue)(See red states and blue states).
In British politics, purple is used to represent the United Kingdom Independence Party, a eurosceptic party wanting to pull Britain out of the European Union

--Robert Burns rhymes purple with "curple" in his Epistle to Mrs. Scott. Burns is, as far as we can tell, the only writer to have used the word. A curple refers to 1) the small of the waist before the flare of the hips or 2) a derriere, rump or behind.

--In the Star Trek universe, Klingons have purple blood.

(this is from ben)

1 comment:

Aliza Elkin said...

I had a dream I was talking to Kristin in front of a bus