Saturday, January 12, 2008

Peter moves in!

Hey Folks,
I'm now officially moved in to the front room downstairs. I'm proud to be part of the purple house legacy. This will be a new chapter in kingdom of purple. I'm excited to do all sorts of fun communal and musical things here. How bout a concert? I wanna book one.
Ben gave me the password to the blog, however it was without ceremony. I'm disappointed. I look forward to seeing all of my new roomies that are out of the house for the time being. Ben is right, it is a bit cold in here. But that's okay, cause I'm getting a space heater. Space Peter. If you are a friend of mine reading this and you don't live in the purple house, come and visit me. My gimp foot has drastically reduced my mobility, so I can't really leave unless I'm going to the hampshire library or someone is driving me somewhere. But not to worry, I am getting my sweet ford taurus station wagon shipped out from california in a couple weeks. Then I will go anywhere I please.
Thats all for now.


Aliza Elkin said...

it's more gray than purple

purplehousenorthampton said...

graple house

Price Armstrong said...

I suppose I'm officially moved out, then. I'll still comment often, so don't worry.

Drunk in Portland, OR. Rock!

purplehousenorthampton said...

shipped out from california???
peter...this is kristin your housemate who is in california right now. what does 'shipped out' entail? does that mean someone is driving it to you? is it being sent in a big box via the postal service? dang, i could've brought it over for free!!