Monday, February 4, 2008

Two Pieces of News

First, the bad news. This may turn out to be ok news, but we need your help for that:

Than is moving out, so we need a new boarder. The room is in the coupola. It is charming (if on the small side) and the rent is quite reasonable at only 300/month. The room is available starting March 1.

Utilities should be fairly inexpensive, because the majority of our bills go for oil, and you'll have missed the brunt of winter.

Please let us know if you're interested. We can give you an official tour, go over the details of the situation, etc.

Also, please tell any friends you think might be interested.

Second the very excellent news:

17-14, 18-1, if I need to explain further, you wouldn't care anyways.

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