Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dearest Readers (by which I mean mostly housemates and our significant others, but all other dear readers as well)


We had a tremendous show featuring several of my very favorite people. Peter, Daniel, Andrea&Erin, and the entirety of the American Hornets were all fantastic. I'm sorry I was somewhat absent and less helpful than I probably should have been. A better effort will be made in the future. Still, it was a very good night.

Next Saturday we are having another event. Please be excited for it. Cursillistas, Tre Colori, Sal Feathers and 1 more TBA will be our guests.

Finally, we are still looking for a resident in the house. The coupola is going to be taken by Jesslyn, so her (beautiful) room is very much open, very affordable, and in need of an occupant.

Mitt Romney has dropped out of the presidential race, prompting the exclamation: Call Mom-- No Dom for Rom; Rom Bombs. Our house remains firm in its endorsement of Mike Gravel.


Hud- Hud, played by Paul Newman, has a barbed wire soul. It's in the tagline. He's a bad seed, a womanizer, a drunk, and he's gotten by on charm and good looks for too long. He's not evil, just so deeply selfish and emotionally scarred that he pretty much acts that way. Newman is fantastic, as always. This film is highly recommended for anyone who wants a strong drama and a different kind of western. One final note: The scenes with the cattle are really amazing and horrifying.

Actually, that's the only review I feel like writing at the moment.


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